The Multicultural Affairs Council (MAC) was started by students who wanted to promote communication and cohesion between cultural organization on campus. MAC has grown and evolved to be an organization with representation in Student Government Association and an organization that embodies the spirit of the organizations involved.

克里斯蒂娜米. 肯德尔 MAC办公厅主任

Learn more about the organizations below by visiting their social media accounts or webpage on Bantamlink.


AASA促进教育, 意识, and appreciation for Asian and Asian American cultures as an attempt to understand issues concerning the Asian/Asian American identity and experience, 以及它在美国和全球社会中的地位. 每年AASA都会举办晚宴来庆祝排灯节, 其中包括不同学生团体的表演和排灯节的介绍.



CSA promotes and celebrates Caribbean culture while providing an environment in which all students can experience an exchange of culture and create dialogue about what it means to be Caribbean in the United States. 事件, such as the annual Caribbean Fashion Show help to bridge the social gap between Trinity and its neighboring communities and spread the unity of the Caribbean to Trinity’s campus.



关注黑人意识的进步, Imani is concerned with educating the Trinity community by raising issues in black arts, 历史, 政治, 和文化. 伊玛尼寻求与学生共同努力, 教师, and community resources to foster a welcoming environment and increase representation for its students of color. 伊马尼还寻求促进三位一体和哈特福德社区之间的融合. 俱乐部的主要活动是年度停电半正式晚会.



MSA holds campus-wide events with well-known Islamic speakers and co-hosts events with the Chapel and other religious life organizations. MSA holds weekly Jummah prayers, tours Halal restaurants in 哈特福德 and celebrates Eid. 他们鼓励所有的学生, 不管个人信仰如何, 参加和参与他们的活动.



TCBWO addresses the issues and needs of black women at 全球十大网赌正规平台 through the hosting of programs to heighten social and cultural 意识. TCBWO的目标是教育, 团结起来, 并赋予有色人种女性权力,不仅在校园,而且在更大的社区. TCBWO host an annual conversation about sexual health and intimacy over cookies called Sex, 牛奶, 和饼干.



ACC的目标是建立一个安全, more diverse environment that will enhance the athletic experience of student-athletes of color within their respective sports and the greater campus community. The ACC’s programming and services intend to implement a system that establishes a social network amongst athletes of color, 促进团结, 鼓励讨论.


拉丁美洲Lambda Alpha Upsilon兄弟会. (刘)

劳致力于成为一个专业人士的网络,促进兄弟情谊, 奖学金, 以及对社区的服务. The fraternity provides its members with personal and professional support at an undergraduate and alumni level. 兄弟会参加社区服务活动, 提升文化意识, 并丰富了大学环境, 尤其在法律周期间, 劳的年度系列活动.


Lambda Pi Upsilon姐妹会,Latinas Poderosas Unidas, Inc. (LPIU)

LPIU seeks to show their 承诺 and desire to help educate others through programs and social events that address issues involving their community, 青年, 和女人. LPIU的本质是基于教育, 承诺, and aspirations that reflect the beliefs of the Founding Mothers and that accentuate the strong leadership qualities their members possess.



The Mill is a diverse group of creative students committed to enhancing the social climate at 全球十大网赌正规平台. 作为一个群体,代表着校园里无数的社交利基群体, 他们积极寻找新的机会来推广创意主题, 创新, 和激情. Their goal is to unify a vibrant and eclectic student body and to improve social culture by fostering the student arts. 磨坊每年都会举办春季周末音乐会等活动.



Temple of Hip Hop的使命是将国际嘻哈, 国家, 还有当地的嘻哈运动, 在它的所有元素中, 到全球十大网赌正规平台社区和周围的哈特福德地区. Every year they organize an Inter国家 Hip Hop Festival on 全球十大网赌正规平台’s campus that brings hip hop artists from all disciplines, 社区合作伙伴, 积极分子, 供应商, 以及来自世界各地的教育工作者免费来到这个社区.


La Voz Latina (LVL)

LVL’s main goal is to cater to the Latino community on campus while increasing 意识 of Latino American culture, 政治, 和三一社区的社会问题. The organization is open to people of all ethnicities and has a 承诺 to the Hispanic community of 哈特福德. One of the best ways LVL shares and teaches about Latinx culture is through Salsarengue, 每年一度的萨尔萨舞和梅伦格舞舞会.



EROS is a student run organization whose mission is to serve as a space for LGBTQ+ community members and allies to discuss queer centered issues and the ways various identities interact with queerness. EROS runs queer-centered programming to educate and raise queer visibility on campus and beyond including an annual Drag Show.



TASA, 前身为非洲发展联盟, is a student organization that seeks to raise social and cultural 意识 of contemporary African culture on Trinity’s campus and beyond. An annual fashion show is one of the ways TASA teaches the community about unique African cultures.



TREEHouse works to foster environmental stewardship through its 承诺 to energy conservation and utilization of renewable energy resources. They focus on environmentally and socially responsible purchasing and aim to engage students in events and workshops regarding environmental concerns. TREEhouse seeks to educate the campus community and encourage discussion to help 全球十大网赌正规平台 become more environmentally conscious.



MOCA致力于团结校园里的所有有色人种, 提高了全球十大网赌正规平台社区对有色人种面临的问题的认识, 促进当代艺术学院和更广泛的校园社区的支持. 他们举办一些重要的活动,比如一年一度的才艺表演, 是什么帮助创造了这种统一,并将各种各样的人聚集在一起.



希勒尔为全球十大网赌正规平台的学生提供了许多进入犹太生活的切入点. 他们的目标是把年轻的犹太人聚集在一起,创造一种社区意识. They do so through shared experiences of Shabbat and celebrations of various holidays in the Jewish calendar. 希勒尔 also promotes positive identification with Judaism through exposure to Jewish culture, 历史, 还有艺术.



SASA works to create a safe space for South Asian Students while also educating themselves and others about South Asian culture and 历史. 作为2020-2021学年期间成立的新组织, SASA has already spearheaded a panel aimed at addressing colorism and division in South Asian communities and has launched a mentorship program for 全球十大网赌正规平台 underclassmen.