
The Peer Tutoring Network is a supplemental, 不允许, subject-specific tutoring option for students who have already sought out support from professors, teaching assistants, supplemental instruction sessions, and general tutoring centers like the 写作中心 and the Quantitative Literacy Center. Peer tutors are selected from students who have demonstrated outstanding success in the subject matter and a propensity for excellent communication.


After you have utilized all available academic resources but still require further assistance, you can 提交 an application for subject-specific tutoring approval. The application approval process requires students to first utilize academic support resources, faculty office hours, 助教课, and supplemental instruction opportunities before seeking a tutor.

The PTN does not offer tutoring for subjects offered through other centers. Students may receive a peer tutor for a maximum of 2 courses and up to 3 hours of tutoring per week per course. We may not be able to fulfill all peer tutoring requests because tutors may not be available for all courses.

We recommend that you discuss your request for a tutor with your professor. Your professor can clarify the specific areas that you are struggling with and how a Peer Tutor can be most helpful to you.

Once approved, you will receive a welcome email introducing you to your assigned Peer Tutor. You and your Peer Tutor will work together to schedule your tutoring session and maintain ongoing communication. Tutors will meet with you from 1-3 hours per week based on your shared availability and need.


Request a Peer Tutor

Complete a separate request for each course.  平均, it takes about two weeks to approve the application, match a tutor and student, and begin tutoring. We may not be able to fulfill all peer tutoring requests because tutors may not be available for all courses.


*This form is closed for the Spring 2024 Semester*

Working with a Peer Tutor

  • Connect key concepts from class and those in the textbook
  • Assistance in grasping the underlying concepts of class topics and/or the methodology for problem-solving
  • Enhance your understanding and comfort level with course concepts
  • Peer Tutors help you understand the concepts behind problems, and/or the process of solving problems. You are expected to come to your tutoring session with specific questions about concepts. Peer tutors will not assist you with work on take-home exams, 问题集, or solve homework problems directly. Improper assistance is a violation of the Honor Code.
  • Students may receive a peer tutor for a maximum of 2 courses and up to 3 hours of tutoring per week per course.
  • At your first meeting, identify the goals for what you want to get out of your tutoring sessions with your Peer Tutor and define your general session schedule to include days, 次, 和位置.
  • Come prepared with specific questions and bring all relevant materials (text books, 教学大纲, 笔记, 等.)
  • Be on time for your sessions! If you must cancel a session, give as much advanced notice as possible, preferably at least 24 hours.
  • Peer tutors are not expected to be available after 8:00 p.m. 或者在周末

The Economics department requires that all requests for a tutor in an Economics course first go through your professor. Your professor will help to create a plan for improvement and if they determine that a tutor is necessary to help you succeed, then they will find an appropriate tutor and contact the PTN. The PTN can not provide a tutor without your professor’s approval.

Life Design Coaching

The Career and Life Design Center offers Life Design Coaching to help you learn strategies and identify resources for academic skills such as:

  • 时间管理
  • Productivity vs Procrastination
  • Developing Your Support System
  • Organization Skills Development
  • Planning, Prioritizing, and Goal Setting

Schedule a Life Design Appointment!


Peer Tutoring Network

Center for Academic and Experiential Advising
Raether LITC 162
哈特福德, CT 06106