我们的办公室是一个宝贵的资源,为学生,以及家庭,教师和工作人员. 我们采取全面的方法来指导学生完成他们的三位一体体验. 如果您不确定从哪里开始提出您的问题或疑虑,请从我们的办公室开始. We know every situation is unique. As a result, 我们与校园内的办公室协调工作,帮助引导学生获得适当的资源和服务,包括:

  • Academic and Personal Guidance
  • Emergency Support System
  • Faculty Notification
  • Short-Term Emergency Funding
  • Dean’s Certification

Academic Guidance

院长们在这里帮助你学习新的方法,以最大限度地发挥你的潜力,并从你的全球十大网赌正规平台经历中获得最大的收获. 我们可以帮助你反思你的学习和激情,当你努力创造你的教育和个人目标. 希望与院长会面讨论个人健康或学业困难的学生应填写 Self-Assessment form 让我们更好地了解影响你们进展的问题.

Our office can also:

  • Collaborate with faculty to help guide students on their path to graduation
  • Refer students to academic and other campus life resources and services
  • 帮助学生从强制退学或自愿退学回到全球十大网赌正规平台
  • 为学生提供必要的工具,使他们成为更有效率的学习者
  • Help students navigate the process of applying for a course incomplete
  • 帮助学生在生病、受伤或家庭紧急情况后重返课堂
  • 帮助学生进行引导性的自我反思,探索与他们的目标相辅相成的机会
  • Encourage students to explore different pathways to graduation, which may mean exploring a major other than the one they intended
  • Help students navigate their way back to Good Academic Standing, if they have been placed on Academic Probation, Required Withdrawal Waived, or Required Withdrawal

**Please Note: 任何年龄的学生都可以授权家长发布额外的信息. 这使得全球十大网赌正规平台能够正式回应家长关于学生个人健康的询问, academic progress, and conduct. Students who wish to provide such authorization should complete the Trinity College Parental Notification Guidelines & Consent Form. For additional information, visit page 17-24 in the Student Handbook to review the 关于全球十大网赌正规平台学生获得教育记录的政策通知(FERPA)和向家长发布信息.

Emergency Support System

In case of emergency or urgent situations, students, staff, faculty, and families should contact Campus Safety at (860) 297-2222. If and when deemed necessary, 校园安全部将通知相应的办公室跟进学生。.

学生和社区生活办公室帮助指导学生和家庭应对挑战, unforeseen, 或者可能对学生的健康和学业成功产生负面影响的紧急情况. Support may include outreach, guidance, advocacy, intervention, and referrals to appropriate campus resources. Depending on the nature of the situation, 通知办公室可能会联系学生,以检查他们的健康状况并提供指导.

In some situations, 直到下一个工作日之前,可能很难完全解决这种情况并采取必要的行动. 紧急或紧急情况可以直接关系到学生的全球十大网赌正规平台, and/or related to their home/family life.

Emergency Situations vs. Urgent Situations

紧急情况是指可能危及个人生命,需要立即作出反应的情况. Some examples may include: concussions, unconsciousness/fainting, threat of self-harm or harm to others, severe chest, abdominal, or head pain, convulsions or seizures.

紧急情况是指在最初事件发生后24小时内需要处理的情况. Some examples include: minor illness or injury, including vomiting, minor cut, earache, sore throat, and muscle sprains.

Non-Urgent/Non-Emergent Situations

We understand that every situation is different. 如果您希望在正常工作时间之后就非紧急/非紧急问题向管理员咨询, 请通过电子邮件与学生和社区生活办公室联系,以获得进一步的指导. 您可能会尽快收到回复,通常是在下一个工作日.

Faculty Communication

学生有责任回顾和理解所有课程的出勤政策. Course attendance policies can be found on the course syllabus. 如果学生计划缺课或无法在规定时间内完成课程作业,我们强烈建议他们尽早与教授沟通.

All decisions regarding allowances for course incompletes, extensions, rescheduled exams, or excused absences are at the discretion of the professor. 学生和社区生活办公室不能强迫教授对缺课给予补偿, extensions, incompletes, or rescheduled exams.

Medical and Family Emergency

In the event of a medical or family emergency, where the student may be absent for 2 or more days, 我们鼓励他们直接与他们的教授和指导老师交流. 如果学生由于紧急情况而无法与他们的教授和指导老师沟通(例如.e. hospitalization), parents, guardians, 或家庭成员可以代表学生联系学生和社区生活办公室. Our office will notify professors on behalf of the student.

Family emergencies may include but are not limited to death of a loved one, serious illness, or other highly sensitive matters. Medical emergencies, may include but are not limited to hospitalization, serious illness, concussions, or other highly sensitive matters. 在发生严重身体伤害或疾病和脑震荡的情况下,保健中心也可协助通报过程. For more guidance, students should refer to Navigating Your Way Back To Class From Illness Or Injury.


我们强烈建议学生在申请缺勤津贴时提供医疗和/或个人证明文件, extending deadlines for coursework, or rescheduling exams. Medical and/or personal documentation may include a diagnosis, date of onset, impact of diagnosis on academic progress, treatment plan, and expected return. 文件可以保密地提交给学生和社区生活办公室. Students can share the documentation with other parties as needed.

Short-Term Emergency Funding

The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion administers modest emergency loans and grants, 为学生提供重大和不可预见的紧急费用援助. Emergency expenses may include but are not limited to, academic needs (i.e. 教科书)、发生严重和不可预见的家庭紧急情况时的旅费(如.e. 亲人去世),或因盗窃、火灾或自然灾害而丢失个人物品. To learn more about the Student Emergency and Equity Fund, please visit the DEI site.

Dean’s Certification

院长证书是对你出勤和毕业日期的证明, 以及你在全球十大网赌正规平台期间是否受到过任何学术或纪律处分或诉讼. Verification may be requested when you are transferring to another institution, applying for admission to graduate school, law school, medical school, or state bar associations. 在向政府部门申请工作时,也可以要求核实, or independent agencies. 你申请的学校或机构通常会给你提供表格.

We accept forms in person, by mail, or email在提交给我们办公室之前,请务必填写申请人的表格部分. Please allow at least 7-10 business days for this form to be processed. Once processed, it will be sent directly to the institution(s) or agency. If you have a disciplinary file, please allow three weeks (15 business days) for your request to be processed. In some cases, 在你的病例的任何信息被公布之前,你可能有必要和院长谈谈.



Office of Student and Community Life

Admissions Building - Ground Floor
300 Summit St
Hartford, CT 06106
Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Emergencies After Hours, Contact Campus Safety - (860) 297-2222